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TÓPICO 22: Expressões para Ampliar Conversas (de Q a Z)

Bem-vindo(a) ao Curso Prático de Inglês para Viagens. 

O objetivo deste curso é fazer você aprender ou melhorar em pouco tempo o seu inglês, por meio de estratégias, conteúdos e ferramentas que farão você estudar somente o necessário e de forma focada na utilização prática do idioma. 

Neste tópico, você estudará as expressões mais utilizadas para ampliar as suas conversas em inglês, embora tal conteúdo não seja essencial para as suas viagens.


Em razão da quantidade vocabulário a ser estudado neste tópico, é altamente recomendado que você adquira os materiais para estudar este conteúdo e muitos outros com a ajuda do aplicativo de memorização chamado Anki.

Obs.: Caso você queira ouvir a pronúncia de determinada palavra ou expressão, você deverá acessar o site TEXT-TO-SPEECH, copiar e colar o texto desejado e clique em "Say it".

(de Q a Z)

  • Quando você quiser (whenever you want): You can call me whenever you want.
  • Quantas vezes quiser (as many times as you want): You can try as many times as you want.
  • Quanto antes/assim que possível (as soon as possible): We want to finish as soon as possible.
  • Quanto antes melhor (the sooner the better): I think they want to finish, and the sooner the better.
  • Quanto mais (the more... the more): The more he has, the more he wants.
  • Quanto menos (the less... the less): The less you work the less money you have.
  • Quanto você quiser (as much as you want): You can eat as much as you want.
  • Quantos você quiser (as many as you want): Take as many flowers as you want.
  • Que barato/legal/massa! (How cool!): Look at his hair, how cool!
  • Que bom que (I’m glad): I’m glad you came.
  • Que bom! (that’s great!)
  • Que chato! (how boring!; what a bummer!): How boring!; It never fails, raining when you least want it to... what a bummer, huh?
  • Que coisa! (isn’t that something): Isn’t that something... he didn’t even pay.
  • Que demora! (it’s taking so long!): Wowit’s taking so long!
  • Que emoção! (how exciting!): You’re going to meet the president... How exciting!
  • Que engraçado (how funny): How funny... I forgot today’s my birthday.
  • Que estranho (how strange): That’s true, he didn’t come today... how strange.
  • Que foi? (What’s wrong?): What’s wrong? are you OK?.
  • Que gracinha! (How cute!): That’s you’re nephewHow cute!
  • Que inveja! (I’m so jealous!): I’m so jealous! I’ve always wanted to go there!. (conhecer um local)
  • Que legal! (great!): Great, you won’t have to pay.
  • Que pena (too bad): Too bad you can’t come.
  • Que sacanagem! (that’s mean!): That’s mean! They didn’t even call!
  • Que saudades! (I miss you!; I miss that so much!!): I miss you! How are you?; Feijoada! I miss that so much!
  • Que sorte! (how lucky!): You’re going to travel with them? How lucky!
  • Que vergonha! (how embarrassing!): Wow, how embarrassing!
  • Quebra meu galho (give me a break): Please, give me a break.
  • Queimar o filme (to ruin it): I almost had her phone number but he ruined it.
  • Quem você quiser (whoever one wants): She goes out with whoever she wants.
  • Em relação a (in relation to): They wrote a letter in relation to the problem.
  • A respeito de (with respect to): With respect to the money, I can only put in half.
  • Sai dessa! (Come off it!)
  • Sair de mansinho/de fininho (to sneak out): We didn’t like the party and we sneaked out.
  • Sair voando (take off): He got scared and took off.
  • Sair-se bem (to do well): I think he did well in the talk.
  • Salvo (except for): Except for that problem, everything worked out fine.
  • São seus olhos (I’m glad you think so): What beautiful hair! – I’m glad you think so.
  • Se Deus quiser (God willing): I’m going to make it, God willing. (futuro certo/próximo)
  • Se por acaso (if by chance): If by chance he comes by tell him that I’m going to arrive later.
  • Se preferir (if you prefer): If you prefer we can do this tomorrow.
  • Se quiser/se gostar (if you like): You can call me ‘Edu’ if you like.
  • Segundo (according to): According to what he said, it is going to rain today. (futuro certo)
  • Sei lá (I don’t know): I don’t like her because, I don’t know, she’s not my type.
  • Seja quem for (no matter who they are): Don’t let anyone in no matter who they are.
  • Sem comentários (no comment): Do you like my dress? – No comment.
  • Sem compromisso (with no obligation): You can try it out with no obligation.
  • Sem contar que (not to mention): They’re boring not to mention they don’t have a sense of humor.
  • Sem dúvida/Com certeza (for sure): He’ll come for sure.
  • Sem estresse (stress-free): I want to have a stress-free weekend.
  • Sem lactose (lactose-free)
  • Sem exceção (without exception): All of themwithout exception, loved the performance.
  • Sem problema (no problem): I’m going to finish this job no problem(futuro certo)
  • Sem-vergonha (shameless): He’s shameless.
  • Sempre que (whenever): Whenever we would go there, my mother would come too.
  • Sentir culpado (to feel guilty): Now I feel guilty.
  • Ser mandado embora no trabalho (to get fired): He was fired for missing work.
  • Ser visto como (to be seen as): They were seen as the enemies.
  • Será que (do you think): Do you think it’s going to rain? (futuro próximo)
  • Seria interessante (it might be a good idea): I don’t know, I think maybe it might be a good idea to look into that.
  • Serve (will do): I don’t have a cell phone... will a pager do?
  • Sinceramente/honestamente (honestly): I honestly think it’s not going to be a problem. (futuro certo)
  • Sinto muito (I’m really sorry): I’m really sorry but I can’t give any more.
  • Sob controle (under control): Everything is under control.
  • Sob medida (custom): They make custom computers.
  • Sob suspeita de (suspected of): He’s suspected of stealing.
  • Sobretudo que/ Tendo em vista que (especially since): I’m not going out today especially since I have that test tomorrow.
  • Sou suspeito para dizer isso (of course I would say that): I think Brazil is the best, but of course I would say that.
  • Supostamente (supposedly): He supposedly didn’t know it was today.
  • Tá bom? (OK?): I’ll call you later, OK?
  • Tá legal? (OK?): I don’t feel like goingOK?
  • Tá vendo? (you see?): You see how he is?
  • Tal como (such as): I do a lot of physical activities, such as running and swimming.
  • Tanto assim que (so much so that): He really upset me... so much so that I never spoke to him again.
  • Tanto faz (it doesn’t matter): It doesn’t matter if he stays or leaves.
  • Ter certeza /Ter certeza de que (to be sure): Are you sureI’m sure I saw him at the convention.
  • Ter ciúmes de (to be jealous of): I’m jealous of him.
  • Ter confiança em alguém (to have confidence in someone): I don’t have a lot of confidence in her.
  • Ter cuidado (to be careful): You’d better be very careful in that neighborhood.
  • Ter em mente (to keep in mind): It’s something to keep in mind.
  • Ter fama de (people say): People say LA is dangerous.
  • Ter graça (to be funny): It’s not very funny.
  • Ter juízo (to be good): I’m good, don’t worry.
  • Ter mania de (to have a thing about): She has a thing about leaving the doors open.
  • Ter muito pique (to have a lot of energy): She has a lot of energy for her age.
  • Ter vaga (to have an opening): There’s an opening on the course on the twentieth only.
  • Ter vergonha (to be ashamed; to be embarrassed): Aren’t you ashamed?; I’m embarrassed to speak in public.
  • Ter vontade de (to feel like): I feel like screaming.
  • Tintim por tintim (point for point): I explained everything to them, point for point.
  • Tipo o quê? (Like what?): He still thinks there are some problems with the project. – Like what?
  • Tirar a roupa (to take off one’s clothes): I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes.
  • Tirar algo da cabeça (to get something out of one’s head): I can’t get that song out of my head.
  • Tirar férias (to go on vacation): I’m going on vacation in May.
  • Tirar fotos (to take pictures): We took a lot of pictures of the wedding.
  • Tirar o fôlego (to take one’s breath away): This song takes my breath away.
  • Tirar sarro (to make fun of someone): They made fun of him all night long.
  • Todo mundo (everyone): Everyone was there.
  • Tomar a iniciativa (to take the initiative): I was waiting for her to take the initiative.
  • Tomar a liberdade de (to take the liberty of): They took the liberty of changing the date.
  • Tomar banho (to take a bath): I’m going to take a bath to relax. (futuro certo e próximo)
  • Tomar conta de (to take care of): She stayed home taking care of her four-year-old nephew.
  • Tomar cuidado (to be careful): Be careful with them.
  • Tomar parte (to take part): He came because he wanted to take part.
  • Tomar providências (to take measures): You need to take measures to prevent that.
  • Tomar sol (to sunbathe): I spent all day yesterday sunbathing.
  • Tomar um drinque (to have a drink): Let’s have a drink while we wait for our table.
  • Tomar uma atitude (to take action): Ainda não tomaram uma atitude = They haven’t taken any action yet.
  • Tomar uma decisão (to make a decision): Eu tive de tomar uma decisão difícil = I had to make a hard decision.
  • Tomara/ Tomara que (hopefully): Amanhã vai fazer sol. – Tomara! = It’s going to be sunny tomorrow. – Hopefully!; Tomara que tudo dê certo = Hopefully it will all work out.
  • Tudo bem (OK): Tudo bem, eu reconheço que não está perfeito = OK, I admit that it’s not perfect.
  • Tudo o que você quiser (anything you want): Você tem direito a tudo o que você quiser = You have the right to anything you want.
  • Ultimamente (lately): Ultimamente ele está muito estranho = He’s been acting strange lately.
  • Um monte de (a bunch of): Ela estava carregando um monte de livros = She was carrying a bunch of books.
  • Um pouco de (a little): Com um pouco de sorte a chuva vai parar = With a little luck the rain will stop.
  • Por várias vezes (again and again): Por várias vezes, eu disse a ele para chegar cedo = I told him again and again to come early.
  • Logo que/ Uma vez que (once): Logo que estiver pronto, vamos mudar = Once it’s ready, we’ll move; Uma vez que você toma uma decisão, fica mais fácil = Once you’re made a decision, it’s easier.
  • Valer a pena (to be worth it): Será que vale a pena esperar um pouco? Do you think it’s worth it to wait a little?
  • Vamos lá! (let’s go!): Bom, vamos lá! = OK, let’s go!
  • Vamos nessa! (let’s do it!): Então tá bom... Vamos nessa! = OK, then... Let’s do it!.
  • Várias vezes (several times): Eu tive de pará-la várias vezes = I had to stop her several times.
  • Veja bem (look): VLook, we don’t have any more time for this.
  • Veja só (look at): Look at how he is.
  • Velho e bom (good old): Nothing like good old pencil and paper.
  • Vem cá/Diga-me (tell me): Tell me, what did you think of the play?
  • Você acha? (do you think so?)
  • Você que sabe (it’s up to you)
  • Voltar atrás (to go back): Now we can’t go back.
  • Vou te contar (I’ll tell you): I’ll tell you, that man has a lot of money.

*Caso não consiga ouvir a pronúncia no site TEXT-TO-SPEECH, utilize um computador com o Java atualizado.