TÓPICO 21: Expressões para Ampliar as Conversas (de N a P)
Bem-vindo(a) ao Curso Prático de Inglês para Viagens.
O objetivo deste curso é fazer você aprender ou melhorar em pouco tempo o seu inglês, por meio de estratégias, conteúdos e ferramentas que farão você estudar somente o necessário e de forma focada na utilização prática do idioma.
Neste tópico, você estudará as expressões mais utilizadas para ampliar as suas conversas em inglês, embora tal conteúdo não seja essencial para as suas viagens.
Em razão da quantidade vocabulário a ser estudado neste tópico, é altamente recomendado que você adquira os materiais para estudar este conteúdo e muitos outros com a ajuda do aplicativo de memorização chamado Anki.
Obs.: Caso você queira ouvir a pronúncia de determinada palavra ou expressão, você deverá acessar o site TEXT-TO-SPEECH, copiar e colar o texto desejado e clique em "Say it".
Bem-vindo(a) ao Curso Prático de Inglês para Viagens.
O objetivo deste curso é fazer você aprender ou melhorar em pouco tempo o seu inglês, por meio de estratégias, conteúdos e ferramentas que farão você estudar somente o necessário e de forma focada na utilização prática do idioma.
Neste tópico, você estudará as expressões mais utilizadas para ampliar as suas conversas em inglês, embora tal conteúdo não seja essencial para as suas viagens.
Em razão da quantidade vocabulário a ser estudado neste tópico, é altamente recomendado que você adquira os materiais para estudar este conteúdo e muitos outros com a ajuda do aplicativo de memorização chamado Anki.
Obs.: Caso você queira ouvir a pronúncia de determinada palavra ou expressão, você deverá acessar o site TEXT-TO-SPEECH, copiar e colar o texto desejado e clique em "Say it".
(de N a P)
- Na boa/sem problemas (no problem): I’d do it no problem.
- Na época (at the time): Now it’s funny, but at the time it was a disaster.
- Na faixa de (in the range of): She’s making in the range of five thousand a month.
- Na hora (right away): They do it right away.
- Na ida (on the way there): We’ll buy the wine on the way there.
- Na volta (on the way back): I’ll call her on the way back.
- Na intimidade (in private): In private he’s not at all as he seems.
- Na medida em que (in so far as): In so far as English is used, almost no one knows how to speak it fluently.
- Na prática (in practice): It’s a nice theory but it won’t work in practice.
- Na verdade (actually): Actually, he doesn’t know how to use the computer.
- Nada a ver (that has nothing to do with it): No, that has nothing to do with it.
- Nada como (nothing like): Nothing like hot wine.
- Não adianta (it’s no use): It’s no use talking to him, he’s going to refuse anyway.
- Não aguentar (to not be able to take): I can’t take this cold.
- Não contar (to not count): This first drink doesn’t count.
- Não dar bola (to not even pay attention): Don’t even pay attention to him.
- Não dar conta (to not be enough): Four people won’t be enough.
- Não é bem assim (I wouldn’t put it that way): He thinks it’s easy but I wouldn’t put it that way.
- Não estou nem aí (I don’t care): She doesn’t want to speak with me anymore but I don’t care.
- Não faz mal (that’s OK): I don’t have any cash on me but that’s OK because I have my checkbook.
- Não faz nenhuma diferença (it doesn’t make any difference): I’m not going to paint the room because it doesn’t make any difference.
- Não foi nada (it was nothing): No need to thank me, it was nothing.
- Não há dúvida de que (there’s no doubt): There’s no doubt that he loves her.
- Não há nada melhor que (there’s nothing better than): There’s nothing better than a beer after work.
- Não há nada pior que (there’s nothing worse than): There’s noting worse than having to pay taxes.
- Não importa se (it doesn’t matter if): It doesn’t matter if you don’t know German, your English is enough.
- Não ligar/não se chatear (to not bother one): She smokes but it doesn’t bother me.
- Não me leve a mal (don’t get me wrong): Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think brown looks good in you.
- Não parar de (to keep doing something): I keep thinking about her.
- Não quero nem pensar (I don’t even want to think about it)
- Não se toca (just doesn’t get it): She doesn’t like him and he doesn’t get it.
- Não sei o que deu em mim (I don’t know what came over me): I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.
- Não suportar (to not able to stand): I can’t stand techno music.
- Não tem jeito (there’s no way): He’s not coming, there’s no way.
- Não tem nada a ver (that has nothing to do with it): I’m divorced but that has nothing to do with it.
- Não vai dar/não vai ser possível (it’s not going to be possible): I think it’s not going to be possible. (Futuro certo)
- Não vejo a graça (I don’t see what’s so funny): They’re laughing but I don’t see what’s so funny.
- Não ver a hora (to not be able to wait): I can’t wait to see her again.
- Naquela época (in those days): In those days there were no computers.
- Nem me fale (tell me about it): I hate dieting. Tell me about it!
- Nem pensar (don’t even think about it): I’m not going to call him, don’t even think about it. (Futuro certo)
- Nem um pouco (at all): He didn’t like it at all.
- Nesse caso (in that case): Well, in that case, do you want to get together next week?
- No ato (on the spot): They give you the money on the spot.
- No começo (at the beginning): I didn’t like her at the beginning.
- No entanto (however): The English, however, have different customs.
- No fim (in the end): In the end it all worked out.
- No fim das contas (at the end of the day): At the end of the day it’s better to forgive.
- No fundo (deep down): Deep down he doesn’t like her.
- No início (at first): It was hard at first.
- No meio de (in the middle of): He’s in the middle of it all.
- No pior dos casos (if worst comes to worst): If worst comes to worst he can go to another school.
- No sentido que (in the sense that): It was successful in the sense that they liked the idea.
- Nossa! (Wow!): Wow! It’s cold!
- Nota-se (you can tell): You can tell he’s Brazilian.
- Numa boa (to be set): Now he’s set.
- dobro de (double): She’s earning double his salary.
- grosso (the bulk of it): The bulk of it has already been done.
- que conta é (what counts is): What counts is how you feel.
- tempo todo (all the time): He complains all the time.
- Olha só (how about that): How about that... how interesting.
- Ou seja (so in other words): He doesn’t have a car, so in other words he’s not coming with us.
- Para falar a verdade (to tell you the truth): To tell you the truth I’ve never been.
- Para variar (for a change): He went to the bar for a change.
- Parece que (it looks like): It looks like she didn’t go.
- Passar fome (to go hungry): I never went hungry.
- Passar pela cabeça de alguém (to cross one’s mind): I didn’t do it but it crossed my mind.
- Pedir demissão (to quit): If they don’t give me a raise I’m going to quit. (futuro certo)
- Pedir desculpas (to say one is sorry): It’s hard for me to say I’m sorry.
- Pedir emprestado (to borrow): He borrowed it from me and never gave it back.
- Pegar leve (to take it easy): Take it easy, you just got out of the hospital.
- Pegar no pé de alguém (to always be after someone): He’s always after me.
- Pelo amor de Deus! (for God’s sake!): Turn off that light, for God’s sake!
- Pelo bem de (for one’s sake): I did it for his sake.
- Pelo contrário (on the contrary): He didn’t complain... on the contrary, he even liked it.
- Pelo fato de (due to the fact that): They were hired due to the fact that they’re experienced.
- Pelo jeito/aparentemente (apparently): Apparently, they have no money.
- Pelo menos (at least): We don’t have money but at least we have food.
- Perder a conta (to lose track): I lost track of how many people gave me Money.
- Perder o controle (to lose control): He drank too much and lost control.
- Pisar na bola (to blow it): They blew it and lost the contract.
- Pode deixar (you got it): You got it, it’ll be ready this afternoon.
- Pode ser (yeah maybe): Do you want another drink? – Yeah maybe.
- Pois é (oh well; yeah): Oh well... shall we do it tomorrow?; Yeah, she is really weird!
- Pois não (yes, of course; can I help you?): Yes, of course, he will call you as soon as he gets back; Can I help you?
- Por algum acaso (by any chance): Have you seen my keys by any chance?
- Por algum motivo (for some reason): For some reason he didn’t want to go to college.
- Por causa de (because of): We didn’t go out because of the rain.
- Por coincidência (by coincidence): By coincidence he was from Salvador, too.
- Por conseguinte/consequentemente (consequently): The plane was delayed and consequently the concert will start later.
- Por engano (by mistake): I gave them the money by mistake.
- Por enquanto (for now): That’s it for now.
- Por exemplo (for example): She likes Italian food, for example.
- Por falar em (speaking of): Speaking of food, shall we have dinner?
- Por isso (that’s why): That’s why I don’t use credit cards.
- Por mais que/não importa o quanto (no matter how much): No matter how much he tries, he’s not going to make it. (futuro certo)
- Por meio de (by way of): They communicate by way of gestures.
- Por mim/no que me diz respeito (as far as I’m concerned): It’s OK, as far as I’m concerned.
- Por nada (for no reason): Why did you call? – For no reason.
- Por outro lado/por sua vez (on the other hand): On the other hand, it would be cheaper to drive.
- Por sinal/a propósito (by the way): Dulce, who by the way is my girlfriend, will be traveling with me.
- Por sua vez/por outro lado (on the other hand): She can’t cook; He, on the other hand teaches cooking.
- Por trás de (behind): I know what’s behind that question.
*Caso não consiga ouvir a pronúncia no site TEXT-TO-SPEECH, utilize um computador com o Java atualizado.